Unsure About Getting Your Driver’s License? Here’s How to Tell If It’s Right for You

To drive or not to drive… that is the question.

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This post will help you decide if you should get a driver’s license.

should you get your driver's license

While everyone can benefit from learning how to drive, the reality is that everyone is different.

Some people will thrive with a driver’s license while others can go their entire lives without one and do just fine.

If you’re not sure of where you fall on the spectrum, this post is for you.

Below are 6 factors to help you decide if you should get a driver’s license.

How To Know If A Driver’s License Is Right For You

1. You’re Under The Age Of 40

Anyone who’s lived long enough can tell you that even when you think your life is all figured out, something — anything— can change.

If you’re under 40, these changes are not probable but guaranteed.

You may not live where you live now, work where you work now, or be with the person that you’re with now.

So, if any of these (or something similar) is the reason you think you don’t need a driver’s license, think again.

Your life can and will change, and it’s better to have the skill of driving now, without waiting until you need it.

2. You Have or Plan To Have Kids/ Dependents

Kids don’t just need food, clothing, and love… they need transport.

Whether it’s to a doctor’s appointment or a birthday party, your kids will depend on you to take them around until they’re old enough to do it themselves.

Related: 7 Fun Games to Play In The Car with Kids

Even if kids are out of the question, you may have other dependents like an elderly parent or even a pet that you’ll need to be able to transport easily, particularly in the event of an emergency.

3. You Like To Go Out

If you’re a social butterfly, or just adventurous, getting a driver’s license should definitely be on your vision board.

Related: Driving Vision Board Ideas For 2024

Don’t let your social life or adventurous spirit be stifled by your inability to drive.

should you get your driver's license
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4. Someone Else Drives You Where You Need To Go

You may be lucky enough to have a personal chauffeur (a.k.a partner, parent, or friend) to take you whenever you want, whenever you want.

Related: The 10 Golden Passenger Princess Rules You Should Never Forget

However, there may come a time when that person may not be available to drive you.

When that happens, a driver’s license (and car) will allow you to continue your plans without worrying.

Besides, the fact that someone drives you everywhere proves the need for a driver’s license in your life – it just doesn’t belong to you… yet.

5. You’re Job Hunting (Or Plan To Soon)

You don’t want to be turned down from your dream job just because you can’t drive.

Even worse, you don’t want to have to turn down a great job offer yourself because it’s just too far for you to get there before the lunch break.

6. Your Public Transport System Is Unsafe or Unreliable

Public transport is one of the most well-known alternatives to driving, but depending on where you live, it can be a nightmare.

If the transport system where you live is unreliable or dangerous, you should start looking into getting your driver’s license and then a car, ASAP.

Related: The Best First Car For New Drivers

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