40 Driving Affirmations to Keep You Calm & Confident

Change your thoughts, change your driving!

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Feeling anxious about driving? In this post we list 40 positive driving affirmations to help keep you calm & confident.

The power of using driving affirmations
A calm & confident driver

How do you think positive while driving?

When you’re driving, it is so so important to keep a positive attitude.

That’s because your attitude affects your thoughts and your thoughts affect your driving.

So, believe it or not, if you’re feeling anxious or afraid, your driving will reflect that.

This leads you to more nerve-wrecking incidents and thus starts what seems like a never ending loop.

Bad thoughts –> bad driving –> accidents and nerve-wrecking moments –> driving anxiety –> bad thoughts.

Related: 7 Tips For Getting Over The Fear of Learning How To Drive

The good news is that this loop CAN be broken.

According to Healthline.com, “regular repetition of affirming statements about yourself can encourage your brain to take these positive affirmations as fact. When you truly believe you can do something, your actions often follow.”

This means that along with practice and patience, repeating positive driving affirmations can really make a world of a difference to your driving.

What are driving affirmations?

Driving affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself to help keep you calm and confident while driving.

They can be about driving, or anything else that will help keep your mind calm and focused on the present moment.

The key is to find affirmations that work for you and that you can believe.

Some people prefer short phrases while others like longer sentences. And it’s perfectly okay if you need to change them up from time to time.

What matters is that you find driving affirmations that help settle your nerves and make you feel good about driving.

We’ve put together this list of 40 driving affirmations to help boost your confidence and keep you safe on the road.

You can repeat these affirmations to yourself before you start driving and whenever you’re feeling stressed out or overwhelmed on the road.

Related: What To Do On The Day Of Your Driving Test

Let’s get started!

Positive Driving Affirmations

  1. I am a confident and competent driver
  2. I will not let driving anxiety control me
  3. I am calm, cool, and collected behind the wheel
  4. I am becoming a better driver every day
  5. I am doing my best
  6. It’s okay to make mistakes as long as I learn from them
  7. I am practicing what I was taught
  8. I passed my driving exam because I am qualified
  9. I will not let other’s people’s unhelpful comments about my driving get to me
  10. I will not compare myself to other drivers
  11. I know I can do this and I am calm
  12. My hands are at ten and two and I am relaxed
  13. I am patient and courteous to other drivers
  14. I remain focused on driving throughout my entire journey
  15. I am prepared for anything that comes my way while driving
  16. I remain calm and collected in stressful driving situations
  17. I am flexible and adaptable to changing driving conditions
  18. I trust my instincts and intuition while driving
  19. I accept that some things are beyond my control while driving
  20. I know how to control this vehicle and I will do so confidently
positive and safe driving affirmations
Positive & safe driving affirmations

Safe Driving Affirmations

  1. I will get home safely
  2. My safety is my priority while driving
  3. I am confident in my ability to drive safely
  4. I will take my time driving and not rush
  5. I will drive at the speed limit and be cautious
  6. I will give other drivers the space they need
  7. I will not get angry or honk unnecessarily
  8. I am driving slowly and carefully
  9. I am aware of my surroundings and other vehicles
  10. I will not drive if I am tired or under the influence
  11. I will not take driving risks
  12. I will stay focused and present while driving
  13. I am a safe and skilled driver
  14. I am alert and aware of my surroundings
  15. I will driving defensively and be prepared for anything
  16. My passengers are safe with me
  17. I will not let anything distract me while driving
  18. I am in control of this car and my driving
  19. I will take breaks when I need them and drive when I am rested
  20. I am a safe driver and I will get to my destination safely


Did any of these driving affirmations resonate with you?

We hope so!

Remember, it’s important to find affirmations that work for you and that you can believe.

So, don’t hesitate to change them up if needed.

And most importantly, practice driving often and remain patient – you’ll get there in no time!

Safe driving! 🙂

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